
Assess and hire talent faster than ever before

So, you've attracted plenty of candidates. Now you need to find the best fit for your role. Stryve helps you do just that, without any of the fuss.

14 day free trial - no credit card required.

"We love that as part of Stryve's features, we can quickly score candidate profiles based on the skills assigned to the job description. It's saved us so much time and the candidates that make it through to the interview stage and beyond are always so much better suited to the role."

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Camilla English

Head of Operations

Stryve Score

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1-2 hrs saved

The Stryve Score is your unique tool for aggregating CVs in seconds, using the key tags attached to your live job, along with relevant data points, to give each candidate a score. The higher they rate, the better suited they are for your job, so you can identify that next star even more quickly!

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You can customise your own scoring methodology or use our preset template.
candidate profile card

Structured Interviews

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1-2 hrs saved

Ensure you are interviewing every candidate fairly and efficiently by creating structured interview feedback forms. Interviewers will be invited to provide feedback during and after the interview, and reminded to do so if they forget.

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Interviews are two-way streets! It's vital you make a good impression on the candidate too.
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candidates profiles cards

Get started for free

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CV redaction

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30m saved

Use our redaction tool to hide information on candidate profiles, to ensure that all hiring bias is removed and that people are hired for what matters most - their talent!

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Stay in control over the data your recruiting teams can access.
candidates profiles cards

Start assessing

and hiring candidates

today! you more time to focus on the human bit

14 day free trial - no credit card required.

What do our customers think?

Katharine Archer

People and Development Parner
Ridgeview Estate Winery
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Richard Angel

Angel O'Donnell
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Alex Rook

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We’re here to help with heaps of insights and tips

Hiring with video technology: How is it done without bias?Advice

Hiring with video technology: How is it done without bias?

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Stryve becomes B Corp Pending companyUpdates

Stryve becomes B Corp Pending company

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Seizing the new opportunity for diversity: How can we rebuild after Covid-19?Advice

Seizing the new opportunity for diversity: How can we rebuild after Covid-19?

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3 ways to hire for freeTricks

3 ways to hire for free

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